$127.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Add the Highly Coveted 'Apprentice Sessions Package'

As a way of enhancing your experience, I would like to offer you an optional add-on to the program. Each year, I open up just 13 slots for the "Apprentice Package," which entails three consultations that span over the course of the program. (Only 4 Spots Left)

The following are the benefits of this package:

  • You'll have the opportunity to delve deeply into your studies and apply what you learn directly to your own birth chart.
  • You'll receive approximately 10 hours of one-on-one time (3 sessions)
  • You'll essentially receive a year-long consultation/astrological coaching.
  • Our time spent together will enable us to develop a deeper understanding of one another, and I will be able to tailor the teachings to your learning style.

The Apprentice Package is an additional $1100

The 2024 Seasonal Cosmology Program

Seasonal Cosmology is a 12-month course offering a deep dive into Living Astrology, connecting each zodiac sign with nature and the seasons. It's designed for both beginners and experienced astrologers, offering insights into the astrological framework, human consciousness, and the natural world. The program includes videos, audios, and forums, providing a comprehensive yet experiential learning approach. Participants gain a tangible understanding of astrology, applying it to personal growth and a deeper appreciation of nature.

What People Are Saying:

I've been studying astrology since I was 15 years old, soon now to be 60, it was Tyler's program that brought it all together for me! My Living Astrology notebook is essentially my astro-bible, it's what I go to when I'm preparing for a consultation. I am forever grateful to Tyler and his invaluable program.

~Carol Saviano - Student

This course has influenced my life to create change, to better understand myself and my children through the birth chart. This program is a wonderful tool for parenting! There is so much information to soak in. I am forever changed by this experience. You will find a sense of peace and understanding. The way he teaches is soft and natural. Thank you so much Tyler for being so kind and loving and generous. You have earned your crown jewels in this lifetime!

Traci - Student

Tyler has an innate ability to make connections, to paint a picture of what’s happening on the grand cosmic scale, and then explain it in a way that makes sense to you in your own personal life.

~ Dylan Walker - Portland, Oregon ~